Monthly Virgo Horoscope


Luckiest Day: Sunday, June 9

Taurus energy governs your house of luck, which carries themes of travel, spirituality, abundance and education. With Taurus in this area of your life, it is important to take your time building what you desire and ensure that you do so with a focus on stability and your long-term goals. With Taurus energy figuring so heavily into May 2024, especially as Jupiter wrapped up its year-extended stay in this earth sign, you will now be guided to take action on all you’ve been preparing.

Sunday, June 9, Mars enters Taurus, creating a powerful surge of motivation to take action on all you’ve been planning recently. Whatever this means for you, it’s important to trust that you are ready to take this next step, especially as you can be prone to overthinking that your plans aren’t perfect yet. You’ve done as much preparation as you are meant to, and now the only thing left to do is take that one step that can change everything, knowing in your heart that it will lead to the abundant life you desire.

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