Monthly Leo Horoscope


Luckiest Day: Sunday, June 9

When the universe taps you on the shoulder and tells you it's time to take action, you don’t start doubting whether it’s the right time or not. Trust in the energy that arrives in June 2024, especially with Mars shifting into Taurus on Sunday, June 9, ruler of your professional sector, as you will be operating with the full power of the universe behind you, so there isn’t anything you can’t accomplish.

Mars is the planet of action and ambition; in Taurus, it helps you direct this energy toward your career to make positive changes, seize a promotion, or start advocating for what you know you are worth. With so much Gemini energy also present in June, you also need to remember it’s okay to ask for help or embrace networking to achieve your goals, as it seems that the success you will achieve will be through the relationships you form with others. Be set on your goals but flexible in how they are brought to fruition.

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