Monthly Aries Horoscope


Luckiest Day: Friday, June 21

Reflect on what was occurring within your career or educational path around January 11 with the New Moon in Capricorn, as an important aspect of recognition and success will be coming in with the Capricorn Full Moon on Friday, June 21. Capricorn governs your career sector, including education and your awards. In this part of your life, you are being urged to build the foundation for success you desire, refusing to give up on what you know is meant for you.

June will carry a strong importance on communication with the Gemini New Moon on June 6, which should help you lay the groundwork for what you want to achieve next in your professional life. While there is some work to be done, there is also the promise of an increase in your finances, especially as Mars moves into Taurus on June 9. So much luck surrounds you in June; your only task is to embrace the confidence to believe it.

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