3 Zodiac Signs Get To Be The Universe's Favorites On May 8, 2024

We are unshakeable.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Get To Be The Universe's Favorites On May 8 Dean Drobot, dominate, Robert Gruszecki from pexels | Canva Pro

There are a few zodiac signs who, every now and then, receive gifts from the universe. Many of us know that this higher power is with us all the time and that there's no need to ask for special privileges. No invocation is needed, just gratitude and the idea that somehow, someway, we're here and we're guided along this path that we call our lives.

Those of us who are firm in our belief will see that our faith comes through for us once again. We will feel as though we are being protected by a higher power, and it will give us the strength to make an important decision. There are just those times when we have to 'give it up' and let the source power take over, and it looks like Wednesday has our names on its list.


The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, and in this way, what we believe in believes in us. What we put our energy into 'becomes,' and if we believe that we are being looked after by a power greater than us, then who's to say we won't reap the benefits of such protection? These three zodiac signs know what they feel in their hearts, and it works for them because they get to be the universe's favorites on Wednesday.


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3 zodiac signs who get to be the universe's favorites on May 8, 2024:

1. Aries

3 Zodiac Signs Who Get To Be The Universe's Favorites On May 8 nevodka from Getty Images | Canva Pro

You were born a believer, and whatever it is that you put your faith in, you've seen that it shows up for you when you need it. The universe loves the one who loves the universe, and you, dear Aries, are a true believer. On May 8, during the transit of the Moon conjunct Jupiter, you will listen to no other voice but that of your inner self, your higher being, as it always comes through for you.


You feel as though you need that extra layer of protection, and even if it's only in your mind, you can't help but feel mighty and strong. You carry the flame in your heart, and you stoke that flame when you need an extra boost. On Wednesday, you'll see how your belief pays off. You ask, you receive. It's that simple. It's a trustworthy equation that always guarantees stellar results.

So, when you walk into that meeting, confront your romantic partner, or even ask your children to please, please, please abide by the house rules, you go in equipped with the power of the universe behind you. And during the Moon's conjunct Jupiter, your power knows no limits — not to mention that it helps you charm those into paying attention to you in all the right ways.

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2. Gemini

 3 Zodiac Signs Who Get To Be The Universe's Favorites On May 8 nevodka from Getty Images | Canva Pro


You don't look to others to compare notes on what brings you peace of mind or not; you have your own process within you, and like faith, it's something you do not give up easily. You feel the need for protection on May 8, and that's no big deal for you to receive. You invoked your higher power, and within milliseconds, it's there for you. There is no need to ritualize it; you are with the power as soon as you need it.

Your mind will expand to the point where you can see only positive outcomes. While this may seem a little 'too much,' it's what you need in your life right now. This protection you require is that kind that has you in need of self-confidence, so if you can rouse the universe into delivering such an order, then you'll be thanking your lucky stars by the time this week rolls around.

You don't need others' approval to enforce your belief; this is personal and perfect...for you. You don't share your belief ideas with others unless they are curious, but Wednesday, May 8, is for you alone. You know that you need to confront something and feel one with the courage within; you need to invoke this higher and most dependable power.

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3. Virgo

3 Zodiac Signs Who Get To Be The Universe's Favorites On May 8 nevodka from Getty Images | Canva Pro

For the sake of your beliefs, you will stand tall in a crowd of naysayers on Wednesday, May 8, and with the help of Moon conjunct Jupiter on your side, you may find that you don't need anyone's approval; you are doing fine on your own, and the trick here is that, in your mind, you are never alone...because you have your personal protector; that which you believe in.

It's during this time that you feel the pressure to concede your belief to someone else's, as they have the louder voice and mean to impress with larger ideas. That doesn't faze you in the slightest, Virgo, as nothing in this world could ever even come close to shaking your faith. You know who you are, and you know this: the guiding light in your life never fails you and never will.


While you may ask for protection — and get it, the kind of protection you require has nothing to do with staying true to what you believe in...that's a sure thing. During Moon conjunct Jupiter, however, you'll feel like you need to build a wall between your spiritual self and the world of skeptics, as they sometimes get to you. You will remain strong and deeply rooted in your belief, Virgo, and once again, you'll remember why you love this path so much...because it works.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
